Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rants about Men.

Okay ladies, when it comes to guys we all know we can agree on one thing. They can be absolutely clueless. For some reason they think that they can do whatever they want and get away with it. I don't know where this thought process comes from but all guys have it. It's time for us, women, to stand up for ourselves. 

Men, it's not cute when you forget plans. We may say everything is ok and that we are not upset. Honestly, you have got to be completely stupid to believe that. Of course we are mad at you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. 

Whenever you forget to call, it's annoying. Don't promise that you're going to call if you're really not. We sit by the phone waiting. Ladies, don't lie, you know you do. 

If you don't send Goodmorning messages we are going to be upset. Always let us know you think about us when you wake up. It's not that hard, because if you don't someone else will. 

When you don't tell us how beautiful we are, we are beyond upset. Every girl wants to be told they're pretty. No matter what we say, we want to hear it. Take some lessons on chivalry it's not too hard. 

It literally drives me insane when a guy isn't chivalrous. Open the door, pull our chair out for us, let everyone know how much you care about us. It's so simple, yet many guys forget to do it. Please, just treat women with respect or we will find someone who will. 

Marlee Elyse

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